Pizza delivery man runs into burning home and saves 4 kids in dramatic footage

Pizza delivery man runs into burning home and saves 4 kids in dramatic footage

A pizza delivery man has been hailed a hero after he rescued four children and their 18-year-old sister from a burning building.

Nicholas ‘Nick’ Bostic, from Indiana, changed the lives of an entire family after he ran into their home that was engulfed in flames while he was driving to a gas station around 12:30AM in Lafayette back in 2022.

The 25-year-old noticed that the entire porch was engulfed in flames and decided to stop and see if there was anybody around.

“I saw the fire on the balcony so I slammed on the brakes, pulled in the driveway, and ran into the house from the back. I was hollering ‘Is there anybody in there?” he told Fox 59.

Thanks to his shouting, four of the residents in the house were alerted to the danger and the brace delivery driver escorted them outside. When Bostic questioned whether there was anybody else left in there, he was told that a six-year-old child was still inside.

He then heroically ran back inside to hunt down the missing child – later identified as Kaylani – who he finally found crying and in distress over the life-threatening situation.

With the little girl in his arms, he ran upstairs to get away from the excruciating heat before punching through a second-floor window and jumping out.

In his interview for the Based in Lafayette, Indiana Substack, Bostic recalled the moment in his own words.

“It started to get hard to see, because the smoke was getting bad. I don’t know how to explain it, but it was like I accepted I was going to probably die, right there, that night. But it was a weird calm. You just got to work as fast as you can,” he said.

Despite not knowing how long the jump would be, he decided it was worth taking the plunge because the entire house was going up in flames at this point.

While the child suffered only minor injuries, the 25-year-old suffered injuries to his back, arm, and ankle.

In video footage that was released by the Lafayette Police Department, who attempted to get into the building after finding out that Bostic and Kaylani were still inside, you can see the delivery driver thrusting the screaming child into the police’s arms before collapsing.

“I need oxygen,” he could be heard saying as he gasped for air.

He was later airlifted to hospital where he received treatment for his injuries. Things got so bad that Bostic was put on a ventilator after suffering from smoke inhalation amongst other serious injuries.

For his brave actions, he was hailed a hero.

“His selflessness during this incident is inspiring, and he has impressed many with his courage, tenacity, and steadfast calmness in the face of such perilous danger,’ the police said in a statement posted to X, formerly Twitter.

“The Lafayette police department, the Lafayette fire department, and the Honorable Mayor Tony Roswarski are eternally grateful for Nicholas’ intervention and would like to publicly recognize him for his actions,” the statement added.

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 16.59.17.pngCredit: GoFundMe

A GoFundMe page was set up by his cousin to aid the hero in his recovery and has managed to raise over $660,000.

We need more people like Nicholas Bostic in this world!

Featured Image Credit: Lafayette Police Department

Pizza delivery man runs into burning home and saves 4 kids in dramatic footage


By Nasima Khatun

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A pizza delivery man has been hailed a hero after he rescued four children and their 18-year-old sister from a burning building.

Nicholas ‘Nick’ Bostic, from Indiana, changed the lives of an entire family after he ran into their home that was engulfed in flames while he was driving to a gas station around 12:30AM in Lafayette back in 2022.

The 25-year-old noticed that the entire porch was engulfed in flames and decided to stop and see if there was anybody around.

“I saw the fire on the balcony so I slammed on the brakes, pulled in the driveway, and ran into the house from the back. I was hollering ‘Is there anybody in there?” he told Fox 59.

Thanks to his shouting, four of the residents in the house were alerted to the danger and the brace delivery driver escorted them outside. When Bostic questioned whether there was anybody else left in there, he was told that a six-year-old child was still inside.

He then heroically ran back inside to hunt down the missing child – later identified as Kaylani – who he finally found crying and in distress over the life-threatening situation.

With the little girl in his arms, he ran upstairs to get away from the excruciating heat before punching through a second-floor window and jumping out.

In his interview for the Based in Lafayette, Indiana Substack, Bostic recalled the moment in his own words.

“It started to get hard to see, because the smoke was getting bad. I don’t know how to explain it, but it was like I accepted I was going to probably die, right there, that night. But it was a weird calm. You just got to work as fast as you can,” he said.

Despite not knowing how long the jump would be, he decided it was worth taking the plunge because the entire house was going up in flames at this point.

While the child suffered only minor injuries, the 25-year-old suffered injuries to his back, arm, and ankle.

In video footage that was released by the Lafayette Police Department, who attempted to get into the building after finding out that Bostic and Kaylani were still inside, you can see the delivery driver thrusting the screaming child into the police’s arms before collapsing.

“I need oxygen,” he could be heard saying as he gasped for air.

He was later airlifted to hospital where he received treatment for his injuries. Things got so bad that Bostic was put on a ventilator after suffering from smoke inhalation amongst other serious injuries.

For his brave actions, he was hailed a hero.

“His selflessness during this incident is inspiring, and he has impressed many with his courage, tenacity, and steadfast calmness in the face of such perilous danger,’ the police said in a statement posted to X, formerly Twitter.

“The Lafayette police department, the Lafayette fire department, and the Honorable Mayor Tony Roswarski are eternally grateful for Nicholas’ intervention and would like to publicly recognize him for his actions,” the statement added.

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 16.59.17.pngCredit: GoFundMe

A GoFundMe page was set up by his cousin to aid the hero in his recovery and has managed to raise over $660,000.

We need more people like Nicholas Bostic in this world!

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